Miss Marin County 2019

Hi friends! I am SO excited to write to you as MISS MARIN COUNTY 2019!

I have wanted to serve as Miss Marin County every since I first met Michele Moser in 2017 as Miss Bay Area. From the moment I met her, she welcomed me in with open arms and provided priceless support and encouragement. When I was hired at Glassdoor (based in Mill Valley) in August 2017, I was thrilled because I knew that one day I could be Miss Marin County and officially partner on this crazy journey with Michele.

This was the first time I competed with 2.0 - the new scoring system for Miss America - and it was exciting and different. The interview and talent portions remained the same, while swimsuit was removed and a "social impact statement" was added to the end of evening gown. The onstage question was also a little different - the judges asked a question based on our interviews from that morning. It was cool to hear what each girl was asked because it seemed to be a reflection of the conversations in their interviews. I was asked how I felt about losing the swimsuit portion, and I answered honestly: as a role model to young girls, it's easier for me to explain the importance of holistic health and wellbeing when I'm not preparing for a swimsuit competition. Although I've prepared in recent years in a holistic manner, there's an assumption that the swimsuit competition requires unhealthy prep. (I wrote a little more about my thoughts on this topic here.)

The very best part of the competition was having the support of my family and friends in the audience. I have never had so many people in the audience cheering me on and I don't think I'll ever be able to express my gratitude for their encouragement. Thank you also to everyone who called/texted/messaged me their well wishes - I am confident that I have the best people in my life and I'm so thankful.

Well, here we go! I'm ready and excited to see what this year at Miss California brings. Each year I learn more about myself and grow stronger in who I am and what I can bring to this esteemed job. Most of all, I'm over the moon about the team of people I get to work with - you all make me my absolute best and I couldn't be more honored to work with you. Let's do this!

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