Miss Yosemite Valley 2018 - Thank You!

Serving as Miss YV was so good. Over this year I grew in many ways, thanks to the incredible people that God brought into my life. I was pushed, challenged, and empowered to be my very best both on the Miss California stage and at every appearance. 

1. Girls on the Run

These moments are always #1 - just like the girls who take part and run with the #1 on their bibs! This year, I was invited to the join the Girls on the Run of the Bay Area's Associate Board and continued to contribute social and blog posts to publicize our programs and fundraise for the organization. I also work on the 5K committee, and helped plan and execute our Spring 5K - and now we are getting ready for the Fall 5K, on December 9! My favorite part, however, is getting to attend practices and run alongside the girls. They have such big dreams and their dedication is inspiring! There is no other program that empowers young girls to be healthy, strong, and confident in what makes them unique and I love every moment I get to spend supporting and building up these phenomenal girls.

You can read more about my experiences with Girls on the Run and my social impact initiative here, here, and here!

2. Climbing Half Dome

The best views come after the longest climb... and after seven hours of hiking to the top of Half Dome, I can say it's true! It was an experience I'll never forget - climbing Half Dome AS Miss Yosemite Valley. And I got to share it with my friends, my dad, and my brother Jack! Truly unforgettable. You can read about this adventure here!

3. YV Wednesday

Making weekly videos was a highlight because it allowed me to connect with people around the world as Miss Yosemite Valley. Each week, I focused on a different topic and chatted candidly during a 2-3 minute video about how I faced a certain obstacle, what I was doing with my platform, how I was working with Girls on the Run and more. I even interviewed some of the coolest people I know, so I could share their wisdom with everyone who followed the Miss YV pages. These videos enabled me to share my year with people who I don't see every day - they saw what it was like to serve as a titleholder and it allowed me to be open and connected with the people who have supported me.

You can view all of my YV Wednesday Videos here

4. Miss California
This year was the first time I competed at Miss California while also working full time. I knew that there was no way I could do it without a plan and a team of people who would help me be my very best. Preparing for Miss California, while also committing to excellence in my job, was a balancing act, but it was one that made me stronger, smarter and more prepared for the rigors of serving as Miss California. In fact, I think that having so much on my plate made me a more engaged and focused titleholder because I was always striving to make the maximum impact with a limited amount of time. YV Wednesday videos were great because they allowed me to stay up to date with everyone and share my journey in a very real, vulnerable way. I also prioritized my work with Girls on the Run because it brings me joy, and worked to make as many #CultivateConfidence appearances as possible - the reason I do this is because I LOVE sharing my platform, so that was priority number 1. When I got to Fresno for Miss California, I was confident that I had done everything possible to prepare - thanks to the team of people who encouraged me the whole way. The week got better every single day, and I'm so grateful to everyone who walked along this journey with me - thank you!

There are big thank yous to be said.

First, to my girls.

The DoubleTree Fresno feels like Disneyland when it's filled with the dynamic women who made up the Miss California Class of 2018. Truly - going from one conversation in which my friend Sarah shared her plans for managing global health crises at HARVARD to another with my friend Alyssa who is dedicated to furthering education policy for children from at-risk backgrounds is awe-inspiring. Each of them has given me a new perspective by sharing their passions and their stories. Oh - and they're way fun. Thank you for making this year one filled with sisterhood and encouragement. I can't wait to see all that you accomplish today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your lives.

Second, to my team of heroes.

This year I am not exaggerating when I say that I was surrounded and uplifted by the best people in the universe. Competing in a pageant and doing the job of a titleholder takes a lot of time and hard work - not just from me but from the people who walk alongside me towards my dreams. My family, my mentors, and my support system have been my steadfast rock through it all - they give me motivation, make me laugh, and remind me not to take myself too seriously. There's no way I could be doing this without them. Mom, Dad, Jack, Matthew, Cooper, Nomi, Nopa, Kristen, Tony, Beezie, Bill, Dana, Linda, Michelle, Wendy, Gabino, Sarah, Julianna, Harleen, Jessie... on and on forever. Thank you will "never be enough."

Last but not least, to God, who made this all possible.

You have given me hope and courage to chase a dream that I have been working towards for six years. You walked with me every step of the way. Your strength was made perfect in my weakness. Every time I called on You, you provided. Lord, Your generosity is unmatched. 

To the next Miss Yosemite Valley - I am so excited for you to take on this title! You will do big things and I can't wait to see how high you soar! I'll be praying for you and cheering you on all the way.

Thank you for reading, and for following along this year. I love you all!! 


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