2017 - Year in Review

2017, you were a wild one. 

From graduating college to Miss California to moving out on my own and starting a new job, it was a year of transition, growth, and continuing to figure out who I am and what I value.

One thing that I value is striving to be the best version of myself - which means being the most productive, successful, and happiest I can be while prioritizing what matters most to me. Each December I try to stop and reflect on the previous 12 months - looking back at the experiences I've had and the choices I've made. I take special care to think about how my daily habits enriched or detracted from my energy and joy. This year, I thought I'd hold myself a little more accountable and share my "Year in Review" right here on the blog. Here goes!

Best moments of 2017:
Scuba diving in Cabo
Stargazing in Yosemite with my besties

Giving the commencement speech at UCSB graduation
Making top 15 at Miss California

Going to Carmel with Fish and Luz
Discovering Salt and Straw
Moving into my first apartment
Running to the Chicago Bean at midnight after Recruit
Being surprised by Molly at Chaplin’s and spending a perfect weekend in DC

Cheering on 1500 girls as they crossed the finish at Girls on the Run 
Ending the year skiing in Tahoe!

Why were these moments memorable?
I got to challenge myself while being surrounded by incredible people who make me SO happy and confident. Each of these moments I felt so present and at peace. 

Habits to keep:
1. Daily gratitude journaling 

This was a New Years Resolution from 2014, and I've written down my consolations and desolations - along with a list of what I'm grateful for almost every night since then. It's crazy to look back and remember how blessed I am - my family, friends, and experiences have been so surreal and the memories come flooding back when I reread my journals.

2. Morning devotions
I haven't been 100% at this, but I've really made an effort to start mornings in prayer during the second half of the year and it has made me so much more patient, compassionate, and receptive to the Holy Spirit. I just finished the Blessed is She Advent Journal and now I'm starting my days with Jesus Calling and the Regnum Christi Daily Devotion. Highly recommend!

Habits to stop:
1. Being on my phone too much

Yep. First step is to admit the problem. I love my phone.
2. Not texting people back
Somehow I manage to be on my phone a lot and still try to respond to most texts telepathically.

Habits to start:
1. Handwritten cards for birthdays and thank yous

I've been meaning to do this for AGES. Hold me to it. If I don't send you a birthday card this year, please call me out. Send me your address and I'll get on it!
2. Turn off my phone at 9 pm each night
I did this for about a month this year and it was SO good. I read before bed and got much more sleep (more on that later).
3. Dressing up for Mass
I go to mass each week but often come straight from something else - I'd really like to make more of an effort to dress up for Church. It's a date with Jesus so I should come through in something nicer than my jeans and North Face.

Best Books Read in 2017:
1. Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
I read this with Gabino and Sarah Lopez as a part of our book club (guys we should really pick a second book). It's been recommended to me THOUSANDS of times and I finally made time to read it during my "sabbatical" in July. It's deep, tough, but beautiful. Frankl's experience through a concentration camp clarified his research as a psychotherapist on the meaning of life. I think this book touches everyone in a unique way, and it was cool to chat with Gabino and Sarah about their impression.

2. Tools of Titans & Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss
Big books filled with tons of tiny nuggets of brilliance. I loved these books, they have incredible advice for post-grad life and I attribute a lot of my focus and determination to the advice given by experts in these books.

3. The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes
This book was beautiful. It captured the story of a woman living in WW1 France and a woman in present-day London. I think it's therapeutic to read a couple of books that make you cry and this was a good one.

Lessons learned in 2017:

1. I need Jesus
I feel like this is a lesson I have to relearn every year. I'm really independent, and there were so many seasons this year where I felt like I needed to figure everything out - on my own. From graduating school to competing at Miss California to applying for jobs, I was humbled again and again until I started giving it to Jesus. Asking Him for grace made me stronger. And every time I asked, He poured it out abundantly. Inviting Jesus into my life every day fills me with joy, peace, and wisdom. In 2018, I want to make a concerted effort to give everything to Jesus - especially when it's hard. 

2. Sleep and Self-Care First
Spending the two weeks after Miss California in bed sick showed me that I was not prioritizing my sleep. In the five months of my job I have gotten sick twice... which is crazy! Sleep is important and weekends are a gift to rest and relax not ramp up. I have major FOMO and love early mornings, but some days I need to chill out and sleep. Also - it's okay to say no. Another big one.

3. Comparison is the Thief of Joy
Life is not a competition. It's not. No one is judging you or your decisions or what you have or don't have. Everyone is way too busy running their own race to worry about you. I think that it can be really easy to question our decisions when we're looking at the people in the lanes next to us. It's okay to look up to people - it's actually fantastic - and one of the best things I did in 2017 was to unfollow most of the fitness/model Instagrams that I had become mildly obsessed with in 2015/2016. Instead, I filled my feed up with people who had the values that I want - holy women, empathetic world leaders, healthy lifestyle advocates, and former Miss Americas - people who were real and honest and inspiring. Because of this, I don't get that pit feeling in my stomach when I look at Instagram and come across a girl who is completely ripped and makes me feel awful. In turn, I also try to be a positive influence on social media - I was running both the Miss Bay Area and Girls on the Run of the Bay Area accounts, which have a majority audience of young women. I knew that each word I typed and each image I posted could impact them for better or for worse, and I tried to be motivational and encouraging in every post.

2017 Round-Up
As this year approached I knew it was going to be a big one - I'd be graduating college, leaving Santa Barbara, and starting my career. In January I committed myself to doing more of what I love, and a lot of 2017 was a journey to figuring out what that was. After spending most of my time from 2013 - early 2017 working and studying, it was up to me to figure out what I wanted to prioritize going forward, setting the foundation for my "adulting life." In February I was journaling and came to the realization that my biggest priorities were my faith, health, and relationships. I wanted to make decisions and choose opportunities based on their ability to feed into these buckets.

I'm really grateful to the people who came into my life this year. It's funny to think how some of the most important people in my life today are people I hadn't even met on January 1, 2017! My mom had always told me that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, and I've been lucky enough to be spending a lot of time this year with kick-butt, hilarious, confident, encouraging, and joyful people.

Biggest Shoutout 
My family. When I moved back home in April after graduating, I was preparing for Miss California, working a "big girl" job, and trying to figure out next steps. They gave me the space and support that I needed to thrive at home for four months. My brothers ate the veggie-heavy meals I prepared with little complaining, my mom and dad discussed current events with me to prepare for interview, and my grandma was always ready for a coffee date. Getting to spend a few months at home with my sweet brothers (they are growing up so fast.. it's wild) was priceless.

Well there's the round-up! What are your resolutions? Do you have any books to recommend/habits to start/new things to try? Let me know, I'd love to hear about them.

I hope 2018 is filled with courage, good health, and joy! Thank you for reading my blog and being in my life - I am grateful for you and excited to see where 2018 leads.


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