Don't Let the Perfect be the Enemy of the Good

Recently I was on the phone with a young girl who I absolutely adore - she was sharing with me her dreams and desires, one of which is to start a fashion blog. She has been enamored with modeling and fashion for years and wanted to express both her deep faith and how our fashion choices can be a reflection of our beliefs. But something was holding her up - she didn't want to start a blog until she was "ready." She was victim to the belief that she couldn't get started until she had it all together. I've been there, and I know how paralyzing this fear can be, but it's time to recognize what it is - a lie.

There have been far too many dreams lost and opportunities stolen by the need to be perfect. The amount of times I have thought "I'll do it when I'm ready," or "This year is just too busy for me," and let those thoughts hold me back from a goal is overwhelming. How many projects have I abandoned because I was afraid they wouldn't turn out to the standards that I expect of myself? The truth is that waiting for the perfect moment does nothing but hinder what might be if we only just try - if we take a leap forward with the intention of growing and learning through the process.

In fact, it's in these moments when I've moved forward (admittedly with a bit of trepidation) that I've learned the most. You'll gain far more from playing the game than standing on the sidelines waiting for when "the time is right."

I love the concept of a "Minimum Viable Product" which is explored in The Lean Startup. Basically, the idea is that we won't know what needs to be improved until we put a simple, working product out into the world. This lesson can be applied in so many arenas - starting a blog, launching a business, or pursuing a goal. Without a first draft, it's impossible to edit and improve.

I'm not advocating to give anything less than your best. I'm just saying that sometimes we count ourselves out because we don't deem ourselves worthy of greatness. I can recall countless experiences when I decided to turn away from a goal because striving for the impossible "perfect" seemed too darn hard.

Sometimes, it's important to just get something done rather than agonize over getting it done perfectly. A birthday text isn't as thoughtful as a birthday package - but it's loads better than doing nothing. Similarly, when we paralyze ourselves out of doing something small because it isn't "enough" we are cheating those around us out of a small gift of our time or talent.

The truth is that no one is perfect. Let us challenge ourselves to be bold and vulnerable. Let's put our best foot forward, and accept that we will continue growing and learning with each new experience. The world needs you and the world needs your "good enough" - so go out there and share it.

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