Miss California 2017

A few months ago, I returned from competing for the title of Miss California 2017. I realized I never shared my experience here on the blog, so I thought I'd recap it now.

I remember sitting in my apartment lobby in Washington, DC late one Saturday night, and watching as my friend Jessa Carmack won the title of Miss California 2016. From the other side of the country I was jumping up and down and screaming with joy, knowing at that moment I wanted to be back onstage.

People often ask me what it means to prepare for Miss California. Often the questions are centered on the swimsuit portion, and while health and fitness do play a role in the competition, they're definitely a slim slice of the preparation pie.

The process of preparing for a state pageant is all-engulfing. From February, when I was crowned Miss Bay Area and received my "ticket" to Miss California, through July 1, I was eating, breathing, and sleeping Miss California. Once or twice a day I headed out on a run or to barre class. I read the news and wrote out statements with my opinion on divisive issues so I'd be ready to hold my ground in the interview. Most importantly, I thought about the why - why did I want to be Miss California? That why was the reason I did it all - the reason I got up and worked even when it seemed too hard. As a wise person once told me - "hard things are hard." And it's true. They're hard because if they were easy everyone would be doing them. But I've also found that the hardest (and scariest) things are the ones that come with the greatest reward.

My why was (and is) to be a role model for girls. I want to inspire them to go after what they want, to know they are enough, and to do the things that set their souls on fire. No matter what they dream of doing - whether that's working in politics, pursuing a career in STEM, and/or raising a family - they should know they are capable, strong, and unique. I want them to know that they are more than just who others define them as - they can be athletic AND smart AND talented. I want them to never be afraid of failure. That's why I put in the hours, the sweat, the energy, and a few tears - to inspire our next generation of women to be confident in who they are and what they represent.

I did not win Miss California. I did my best, worked harder than I knew possible, and did it all with my "why" at heart. I spent a week with beautiful women whose ambition and kindness inspired me and empowered me. I was cheered on by the most incredible support system. I'm grateful for every minute I put into my preparation because they challenged me, stretched me, and strengthened me.

Being Miss Bay Area is so much fun - because I get to work with girls who are figuring out their own "why." Girls on the Run is important to me, and so is having the chance to speak to students throughout the Bay Area about having the confidence to pursue their goals. I wasted so much time worrying about what others thought of me that I shirked away from my dreams for too long. I'm grateful to this organization for giving me the platform to stand up and show others what is possible when you step outside of your comfort zone.

Thank you to each of you - for supporting me all the way to Fresno and beyond. At 22, I have had an incredibly full life with no regrets and I look forward to the future. God is good and He has always been far more faithful and creative with my life than I ever could have dreamed.

I love you, I'm grateful for you, and I'm excited for the next adventure!



  1. Nice job Jane! You were awesome at Miss CA!

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