Raise Your Voice: The Story Behind my Talent

In exactly two weeks, I will be performing my talent on the Saroyan stage at the Miss California competition. While I've been practicing my piece for four months now, it's crazy to look back and realize that I have really been preparing for this moment for years.

Music has always been central in my life. I began piano lessons at the age of six, took the stage in my first musical at age ten, and found joy performing for audiences of all sizes in regional and professional productions through middle and high school. The rush of standing onstage and sharing a story with others is unrivaled.

Through the years I've taken on many different roles. From a sunshiney Pollyanna to a sinister Wicked Witch of the West to a steadfast Marian Paroo, I've stretched and molded to play a variety of parts. While it's fun to get into character and be someone else for an hour or two, today my favorite role is the one that comes after the facepaint has been wiped away - the role of "Just Jane."

I didn't always feel this way. For a long time, I found myself wearing masks and playing characters in my daily life. I thought my interest in politics made me dorky, my love of performing made me strange, and my passion for community service made me weird. It wasn't until I realized that these interests were actually paving the way for me to realize some of my biggest dreams that I could finally embrace who I was as "Just Jane." Today, my confidence is rooted in the knowledge that my passions make me capable, powerful, and unique - ready to serve and lead wherever God calls me to go.

This summer, I am performing "The Prayer," a piece that holds a very special place in my heart. This song celebrates the power of each individual - when we raise our voices in prayer, we can make a difference and bring light into our world. There are so many people who have encouraged me to chase my dreams, and I cannot wait to perform my song for those who have guided me throughout my life. This one is for you - thanks for helping me realize that being "Just Jane" is more than enough.


Jane Kennedy
Miss Bay Area 2017

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