The Bar Method

Today I'm letting you in on a little secret - I am not the most athletic person in the world.

When I was younger, I tried to fit in with my peers by attempting various athletic endeavors. From soccer to swimming to track, I spent more time dancing on the field or singing behind the blocks than succeeding in the sport. By the time I was ten, I had given up my Olympic dreams and found my passion in theater.

As I grew up, I accepted my non-athletic disposition and didn't let my lack of hand-eye coordination hinder me from other pursuits. From piano to voice to my academics, there was never much need (or time) to sweat about it (haha that's a pun).

With three younger brothers who are insanely gifted athletes, I turned my love of competition to pageantry. I love the process of growing and developing skills, and this drive helped me to grow as I began to compete.

When I left for college at UC Santa Barbara, I was immersed in a world of fit people. Everywhere I turned, my peers were running on the beach or hitting the Rec Cen to work out. I was also surrounded by food - waffle bars and ice cream and scotcheroos abundant. When faced with the daily choice, I chose the food. After a few months, I felt sluggish, exhausted, and worn out. I decided it was time for me to see what making healthy choices really meant.

I began to run that year, and after getting over my initial dislike, I found it freeing. You can read about my experiences at the Nike Women's Half Marathons here. Exercise made me feel strong, confident, and capable.

As a long-time runner, I love the freedom and release that running provides me. After a stressful day of work, I can tie on my shoes and blast my Hamilton album for a thirty minute celebration. It's empowering and relaxing and joy-filled.

A few years ago, I was exposed to barre classes. In Santa Barbara and DC, they provided a great cross-training platform for my running. As I entered the final stretch before the Miss California 2017 competition, I knew that I wanted to go back. When I found Bar Method East Bay, I was hooked.

Bar Method classes work every muscle to strengthen and tone your body. Every class is different, and challenging in its own way. Class is full of options - added challenges to moves that are meant to make you shake so that your muscles get stronger. Taking options is hard but nothing is more rewarding. I attend class six days a week, and I leave every one more determined, focused, and sweaty than the last.

Bar Method has also achieved the seemingly impossible - it has increased my flexibility! That's right - after five weeks, I can touch my toes. During the graceful bar stretches, I feel like the dancer I always dreamed of being!

I love my Bar Method because it gives me the strength to face my chaotic days with a more focus and determination. Whether I'm starting my day at the 7:15 class, getting a quick lunchtime sweat session, or ending the day at a 6:45 express class, I know that I'm doing great things for my body, my muscles, and my stamina.

If this post does anything, I hope it encourages you to prioritize your health in some way. Don't discount your athletic ability just because you aren't the best swimmer or didn't make the soccer team. Healthy living is as individual as you are. Find your happy place, and work for strength.

Thank you Bar Method for supporting me on this journey to Fresno. I am indebted to your encouragement, crazy classes, and every extra hold at the end of a set.

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