The NAPA Show and the Fajita Faceoff

It has always been a dream of mine to be on a cooking show - and this week, it became a reality!

On Wednesday night I was honored to attend The NAPA Show as an interview guest and to battle it out during the show's first "Fajita Faceoff!"

It was my first television appearance as Miss Bay Area, and I was able to share my journey with the host, Arty Reyes. I loved talking about my experience in the White House, my platform Girls on the Run of the Bay Area, and my preparations for Miss California. We even got to dance it out during commercial breaks!

In the final segment of the show, I was the guest on "Gabino's Gourmet Grub" where my director Gabino Lopez and I battled it out in a Fajita Faceoff. Backstory: Fajitas are my favorite food to cook because they are veggie-packed, tasty, and gluten-free! When I told Gabino this a few months ago, he shared that he also loves to make Fajitas. As naturally competitive people, he suggested we face off with our recipes during my appearance on The NAPA Show.

Cooking on live television was amazing - I felt like Rachael Ray! It's harder than it looks to grill veggies and talk to the camera... Arty announced that it was a draw between our recipes, which was an honor because Gabino is an incredible chef. Once the show ended, we got to have a fajita party on set. It was quite a successful day! 

You can watch the archive of The NAPA Show here. My interview is around the 22:00 mark and the Faceoff begins around 55:00. 


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